Son of Raja of which princely state founded the Handur Princely state? Firoz shah belonged to which Dynasty? The Sikh Guru put to death by Aurangzeb was. When was the battle of Palkhed fought? Suggested Test Series. Suggested Exams. More General Knowledge Questions Q1. In which year Indian government has enacted the Consumer Protection Act?
The activities in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors are. When was the Human Development Report published for the first time? He sings only when he feels like; so no one can command him to sing.
When Akbar and Tansen reached Swami Haridas's home, they found him sitting outside, silent, with his musical instruments beside him. Tansen requested Akbar to wait while he himself started singing. After a while, he deliberately made a mistake, at which Swami Haridas said benignly, "Don't sing like this, Tansen.
Akbar was in a trance, transported to a state of spiritual bliss, broken only by the cessation of the melody. The emperor left for his palace but the song haunted him throughout the journey. Akbar asked Tansen: "Why don't you sing as well as Haridas does?
Between Guru Haridas and me there is a vast difference. I sing for my king while he sings for the Lord of the universe. He is a musician of a much higher court. Spotlight Blockchain a game changer for seed funding? Coronavirus outbreak Covaxin vaccine Cowin vaccine registration Coronavirus live news Corona cases today Covshield vaccine Sputnik V vaccine. Navbharat Times.
Started in and resumed in , this Mahotsava is our relentless effort and endless toil to keep this tradition alive. The Swami Haridas Sangeet Nritya Mahotsava is our humble effort to make an offering in reverence of the saint musician and the innumerous other musical gurus who sowed the seed of illustrious talent in their shishyas, who are now masters of music in their own right.
The Mahotsava is the brainchild of Ms. Uma Sharma, kathak danseuse par excellence, to enrich the lives of the youth with the musical prowess of the masters. The Mahotsava has its roots in the musical city of Brindavan, when an esteemed religious guru Shri Gopal Ji advised Ms.