Who is saint emydius

This tradition is untrustworthy. Emygdius' relics are in Ascoli. He is a patron against earthquakes. Copyright Catholic Online. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.

Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Federal Tax Identification Number: Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. Toggle navigation. Search Catholic Online. We ask you, humbly, to help. Tejon earthquake on Jan. The Vatican said yes, and in , also granted the request of local priests to name Emydius as a patron of what was then known as the Monterey-Los Angeles diocese. Although St.

Vibiana is the patroness of the archdiocese and Our Lady of the Angels Mary is patroness of the city of Los Angeles, Emydius remains co-patron of the archdiocese, along with St. Patrick of Irish fame. Emydius and Patrick are depicted in life-size statues in lofty niches in the altar area of St. Vibiana Cathedral. The Whittier earthquake in October, , caused the statues to swivel in their places and they ended up facing one another, said David Sutton, a cathedral employee.

Patrick was a little worse for wear and had almost slipped off his pedestal. Royale Vadakin, pastor of St. Vibiana from to , said he never saw any reverential cult for St. Lynwood has been relatively unaffected by recent quakes, but that is because of its location, he surmised. Yet, if Gregory the Wonderworker gathers a following, Emydius is in a poor position to fight back. Emydius featured the raffle of a brand new house in Monterey Heights.

Wilhelmina Plamondom on December 15, On February 28, , the new St. Emydius, a golden-domed, twin-towered structure modeled after the Cathedral of Guadaloupe in Mexico City, was dedicated.

It still stands today. The church's person-capacity was tested over the next forty years as the surrounding neighborhoods filled with new homes and large families. Over 4, Catholics lived in the parish in and that fall a parochial school opened at St. Emydius with pupils. The parish that owed its origins to a great earthquake faced a more metaphorical shifting of the ground in the s and s.

Already reduced in size by the creation of the new St. Brendan and St. Thomas More parishes, St. Emydius found itself at the epicenter of a neighborhood changing identity. Catholics began moving out of the Ingleside, replaced by other Christian denominations. Church attendance by Americans, especially in cities, began a long decline that continues to the present day.

The Archdiocese closed many parish churches and schools beginning in the s. Emydius's school, after more than sixty years of existence and graduating thousands of students, closed in the early s. Despite the tumult, the church building was recently renovated and retrofitted. The familiar golden towers of St. Emydius still shine, and the parish will celebrate a hundred years of serving the Ingleside in the spring of More on St. Contribute your own stories about western neighborhoods places!

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