However, his support for Roosevelt's domestic policies was matched by his hostility to the administration's proposals for American membership on the World Court, reciprocal trade agreements, and a peacetime draft. He also opposed Roosevelt's campaigning for a third term. Although Johnson had been an outstanding Progressive governor, by the time of his death on Aug.
Materials on Johnson's career after he entered the Senate are not readily available. For a scholarly account of his years as governor see George E. Olin, Jr. Weatherson, Michael A. More than that, however, his admirers believed he would wish to be remembered for the reforms in government which marked his tenure of the Governorship of California. He was 42 and building a reputation as a lawyer when a bullet wounded Francis J. Heney in court during trail of the famous San Francisco graft case, involving the notorious Abe Ruef.
At the very moment the telephone brought news of the shooting it is related, Johnson was stubbornly refusing the solicitations of another attorney to assist Heney in the prosecution. With that news, however, he changed his position and declared he would convict Ruef.
That he did, and from then on was closely identified with the reform forces of his State. In , two years after he became Governor, Johnson was nominated as running mate to Theodore Roosevelt on the Bull Moose ticket.
That marked that beginning of his national career, although it was not until four years later that he gave up service as Governor to enter the Senate. Re-elected as chief executive of California in he had served half of his second term when Hughes was nominated as the Republican Presidential candidate. He then announced his candidacy for the Senate. In the midst of the struggle Hughes made his visit to California. The Governor and the Presidential nominee did not meet during the five days Hughes remained in California, although they once were in the same hotel.
The Midwest generally went for Hughes and both candidates went to bed election night thinking that Hughes had won. It was days before a recanvass of the entire State revealed that Wilson had carried it by less than votes. With that scant margin went the Presidency. But Johnson won his Senate seat by better than , Elizabeth Montgomery Dies of Cancer. The Associated Press is an independent, not-for-profit news cooperative headquartered in New York City.
Sylvere Lotringer, intellectual who infused U. Bobbie Kirkhart, the matriarch of atheism in L. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. Business Visionaries. Governors of California Sobel, Robert, and John Raimo, eds. January 3, - January 7, January 5, - January 3, November 17, - January 3, January 4, - November 17, January 7, - January 4, January 3, - January 7, January 2, - January 6, January 5, - January 2, October 5, - January 5, January 4, - October 5,